Why Law of Attraction doesn’t work and what else to do. Manifesting is your birthright!

I’m sure I´m not the only one who’s on their self-improvement journey who has started learning about the Law of Attraction right at the beginning of their path. In hindsight, it wasn’t the best way to start. Let me tell you why.

First, briefly about Law of Attraction.  Those of us who have seen the documentary ‘The Secret’ (or have read the book) know immediately what I am talking about.  The principle of Law of Attraction is that positive thoughts and emotions attract positive outcomes in life and vice versa.

Although the new knowledge about Law of Attraction opened up a whole new world for me, in hindsight I don’t feel that this was the best way to start my journey.  ‘The Secret’ mainly focuses on keeping your thoughts and feelings as positive as possible.  Over time, this caused me to develop a sort of compulsive over-analyzing of my thoughts.  Over the years I have met more people who think the same way.  Law of Attraction makes you feel like your emotions shouldn’t be there.  This causes a counterproductive effect in which you try to suppress thoughts and emotions, only allowing more intrusive thoughts to surface.  This of course does not work optimally for your manifestations.

What is important to understand is that manifesting is your birthright.  You do it all day long, every moment of your life.  Most of us were born into families where this knowledge was not passed on to us.  No wonder, since the truth has been obscured.  In that respect, ‘The Secret’ is right.  Most people grow up believing that you have to work hard for all the beautiful things in life.  Or even worse, that it is not for everyone to lead a good life and that some are more lucky than others. All these beliefs cause our powers to weaken.

The more you realize who you are, the more beautiful things you will receive.  No matter how hard you force yourself to avoid your emotions every day, without realizing who you really are you won’t manifest the things you want from life.

How?  By first finding out where all your limiting beliefs come from and tackling them from the root and reprogramming your brain.  These are thoughts like ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not worth it’, ‘I’m always unlucky’ etc. Where do these beliefs come from?  Once you get to the root of the problem, doors will open for you.  These beliefs often stem from your childhood.  Digging into your childhood memories for causes of your limiting beliefs can bring up a lot of emotions.  Embrace those emotions and give them a place.  Forgive yourself and forgive others.  That’s the only way to get there.  Furthermore, the intention is that you teach yourself better beliefs.  You do this, for example, by applying affirmations in your own life.

We also call the above way of healing shadow work and inner child work.  I will tell you more about this in the future.

Until then, take care!

Much love

About me

Hi! Nice to meet you all. My name is Karolina, and I´m the owner of BellisBio. My goal here is to share my experience , and knowledge with you regarding spirituality, holistic health and many more topics that can help you elevate your life to the next level.

I´m a first time blogger so I´m very excited to invite you on this journey where we grow together.

Much love,
